Space Escape
In the future, Earth is attacked by waves of meteorites. You and the last survivors try to escape from Earth. Steer the spaceship the furthest you can !
Multiple meteorites fall against you, and you have to dodge them. You earn 10 points for each dodged meteorite. Each 200 points you gain, the speed of the meteorites increases itself. The best score is your best score and is reset if you leave or reload the page.
Menu :
- Navigate in the menu using up and down arrow keys
- Select item using X, V, or M
In game :
- Move using left and right arrow keys
- Reset best score using X, V, or M
- Navigate back to the main menu using Z, C, or N
Latest update :
Check out the devlog with all the new stuff I added !
Development log
- Space Escape devlogNov 01, 2018
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